Monday, February 27, 2012

Covered Clothespins

I have this obsession with scrapbooking paper.  I use it for everything!  Everything except scrapbooking that is, I'm just not into it.

Honestly, I thought I had come up with this all on my own, until I came across these when I was surfing around one day and realized I'm not as inventive as I previously thought that I was. 

I can do these in about 5 minutes, maybe less. 

What you'll need:  Scrapbooking Paper, Scissors, Mod Podge, Brush, Clothespins
Initial Investment: $1.00 Dollar Store baby!  You can pick up a pack of about 20 bare clothespins
  **($$$ are assuming that you are an established crafter and have all of the other item.  For you newbies who need to get it all your looking at around $20.)
How to:  Get ready for the simplicity...
  Cut 2 strips of paper
Mod Podge the one side of your pin
Apply paper to pin
Fold the overlapping sides of the paper onto the sides of the pin
Repeat on other side

1st try finished project:  I had to do a little digging to find my originals but here they are.  The green on with the polka dots is actually the very 1st done with markers instead of paper. 

Difficulty: Easy
Time:  5 minutes
Was it worth it?  Yes!

Warning: I'm here to give you an idea if this is something you should do or not.  I cannot be held responsible if you can find anything to do with the 100+ clothespins that you now have laying on your table.  

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